Celebrating International Yoga Day
Yoga at workplace can be equally Fun, Innovative and Relaxing with many short and long term benefits. Prolonged working on the computer strains the neck, shoulder and back muscles, which leads to tension and stiffness. Unless attended properly, it could impact our ability to function effectively affecting your overall quality of life both personal and professional.
Office Yoga comprises of a sequence of simple exercises you can perform quite unobtrusively at your desk and at any time of the day.
Making office yoga exercises a part of your office routine can work wonders as they wipe away body pain, fatigue and tension and increase overall muscle strength and flexibility, keeping you fresh and revitalized through the day. The exercises don’t demand much time, and can be done in spurts throughout the day, sparing you from unnecessary discomfort in the long run.
While the whole world observed International Yoga Day on 21st June, in parks, gardens, and stadiums or simply comfortably at home on their yoga mat, we at Taction, celebrated it in office while sitting at our desk.
The Concept of doing yoga in office with team mates was the brainchild of the HCM team and CEO, Mr. Pranabjyoti Das. An avid Yoga follower, he charted a unique 4 steps session lasting some 40 minutes. Das Sir, as we lovingly call him, instructed every step all the while participating in the sessions. The Office yoga routine was a proper blend of Stretching, Breathing and Meditation techniques that could be done in just 15-20 minutes once after getting trained on.
These steps sound quick and non-strenuous right…wrong? Although the session lasted for 30-40 minutes, it drained us, sweated us and at the end of it we ended with a clear mind, glowing face and some renewed energy! It was pin drop silence on the floor as the session ended, Each one of us realized the power of yoga, meditation and learned new technique to breathe.
Thanks to our trainer and HCM team.